Friday, July 25, 2008


Manage to catch 2 movies this week, with the same people. Yes, I have no other friends. I'm a social outkast.

WANTED was on Tuesday. Very very gory to the core. I had my eyes close most of the time. Angelina Jolie for the first time I have to say, looked ugly and haggard. She is far too thin that it comes close to being anorexic. James McAvoy was dreamy. Put a boyishly handsome man and some guns together makes up a deliciously yummy hero. Another note to be taken is Morgan Freeman who played Sloan to perfection. The story was a little too okay-ish for me but there was a good twist towards the end. Angelina Jolie's ending to me was the most beautiful and profound part of the movie. Too bad the real ending of the movie was too predictable.

Some may find it all too unrealistic (swerving bullets, carchase, perfect shots from miles away) but it was those bits of the story line that kept the movie alive.

On a different note, if you recall a book I've mentioned before,Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, it state that the human heart when it beats at a certain ra
nge of heartbeats, our senses and focus are at its maximum thus making us almost superhuman like.However, what happens to our untrained body is that it beats faster till it exceed that range making us falter. This is exactly what Wesley Gibson was experiencing in the movie. The same goes for basketball superstar, Larry Bird,who said at critical moments in the game, the court will go quite and the players move in slow motion making him able to make split second decisions.

Thursday was DARK KNIGHT. When they say that expectation spoils a good thing, they definitely had this movie in mind. There was so much hype about the movie, one wonder whether is it because of the quality of the movie or one of its cast's recent demise.
Heath Ledger's performance was exceptional. However, the attention focus on him overshadowed another great performer, Aaron Eckhart who play
ed DA, Harvey Dent.
Overall, the story line, although armed with interesting twist and turn was totally disappointing due to the weak scripts and characters. Did anyone even notice Morgan Freeman in the movie? People like him and also Heath Ledger definitely have more talent to offer to the movie but could not do so.

The Joker's character made me think of how it is true that there are some people who goes through life without planning ahead anything. The Mr. Flow Jo kind. Are they the winners or losers in the world?

I'd like to leave you with a picture of our Tan Sri Arizz. He has dreams of being the 7th cast member of High School Musical 3. You'll always be MY
superstar Arizz. =)

1 comment:

Christine said...

link my blog to urs.

and Dark Knight is definitely the best film of the century.