Friday, October 3, 2008

first day of work

Well, technically today is not my first day because I have been through training for the past few days. But today is the FIRST day I actually made a real call.

To make some sense to what I am saying let me tell you first what my job is.

Currently, I am employed as a Lehigh Liner. What we do is, we call alumni to help raise fund for the financial aid program while updating the alumni records.

So on my first shift as a caller, here are some of the more interesting ones.

The Bad
  • This one man, he could not hear me properly, so I just kept repeating 'Hi I'm Amira' for 50 times. He was being clever I guess, so he asked "Hello? What is on your mind?". Then he ends it with a clincher, "Hello?!?! Do you HAVE A BRAIN?" and he hang up. I seriously considered quitting the job after that call.
  • Another man, after explaining that I was from the Lehigh Fund, said, and I quote him here, "Drop Dead!". Yeah, another pleasant guy there.
The Good
  • Well, there is only 1 on this list. I manage to secure a pledge of $100. Yay me! Though it's far in comparison to the 1 million they raise every semester, not many newbies get a pledge on their first night. And my supervisor heard me when I was doing the call, and she said I did a really good job. Another Yay me!
The Confuse
  • For one call, I started out with "How are you doing tonight sir?". And he went, "I'd feel better if you bring my daughter back". I was like....shyte!So after giving my condolence and stuff (you can't possibly ask for a pledge after something like that) I ended the call and told my colleagues about it. Joe said, " He was probably lying to see if a gullible young lady would fall for that and try to get you off the phone". Now I feel stupid.
  • Before I tell you the next one, I have to tell you the story about our mascot first. About a few years ago, the university changed the mascot from 'The Engineers' to the Hawk. So, this guy basically told me, "I stop giving to the Lehigh Fund because they changed the mascot's name. Being an Engineer from Lehigh, I feel insulted." wtf?!?
These are the ones I can remember off right the top of my head. There were more crazy ones going around. We all just kinda joke and have a good laugh about it.

So yeah, I don't think I'll be quitting anytime soon. The people there are great.Extra money and experience couldn't hurt.

Zat, if you're reading this, what is that name of that aunty who would always breath down our necks when we were working at BSC dulu? Somehow, she pops in my head whenever I think of the word employers. Not good.


Fariq said...

i noe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aunty angie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amira Najua Sa'abana said...

omg...auntie angie!
tgk Monster's Inc tak?
She reminds me of that scary lady yang jaga counter tu.

Zutti said...

wahahahaa...aunty angie!!! teeheee!!!