Tuesday, August 19, 2008

shocking and saddening

If someone was to ask me what my greatest fear is, it would be to one day find out that I am infertile and unable to bear children.

I was in Uptown with Zat tonight getting some unhealthy and greasy yet deliciously hard to resist food. At one of the stall, 2 girls I guessed probably age 8 and 14 were taking orders from the customers. They were straight to the core Jinjang/Lala 101 [reminds me of Luiz ;)] with their oversize thigh length blouse and black tights and heavy makeup (why are they wearing makeup anyway?). So what they do is take orders and then deliver them around.

Anyone who have ever eaten there at 1 am in the morning knows how uber creepy that place is. And it is not just this 2 dolled up girls that I saw walking around strangers, there were boys and girls as young as 4 years old playing,alone, at many of the unoccupied stalls.

We hear in the news the increasing rate of kidnapping in Malaysia. Oooo aaa...takut nye. Lets keep our children safe! But reality is, our behaviour makes it all the more easier for predators.

I look over and I see their mothers and fathers sweating it out trying to make an honest living for their family, and for a moment I feel bad for thinking what I thought and I understand how hard it is some people have it in life. But I don't think any amount of money is worth losing your child.

If those girls were my little sisters, cousins or nieces, I would never let them do that.

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