Coming from a culture that uses "Aunty this" and "Uncle that", I find it weird and a little uneasy that I'm calling my boyfriend's parents by their first name.
And they find it strange that I called his grandparents, abuelo and abuela (spanish equivalent if atok and nenek).
I really don't know why a lot of people are freaking out about my last post. It really is not a big deal, it just means that I'm on the brighter side of life now. So it's a good thing.
Hence, I am fine. I'm not about to go commit suicide or any of that sort. Thanks for caring.
It's been a long time since I've been blogging. In truth, it has been a long and interesting journey for me so far. And for me to truly surround myself in the experiences that I was going through, I had to take time off from being the story teller and just be the main actor.
I hate people who writes vaguely about something and in the end doesn't reveal what the point was initially. Forgive me if I sound exactly like the person I dislike.
Let me just say, sometimes you learn to listen more and speak less. But I think I'm ready now.
I miss you.
My new word at the moment : Watagatapitusberry. That's some deep stuff.